Retrorocket’s sitemap
Advanced Fighting Fantasy
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Blacksand (2013)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Titan: the Advanced Fighting Fantasy World (2011)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Warlock of Firetop Mountain (2014)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – core rulebook (2011)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Out of the Pit (2011)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Beyond the Pit (2015)
Clearance items
- Sentinels of Echo City deluxe ed (2020) POD
- Champions 4th ed rulebook (1989) as is
- Star Fleet Battles Captain’s Log #12 the Early Years (1993)
- Powers Beyond (2016) POD
- Super power system 1.2 bundle: Expanded Powers and Adventure guide (2021) PODs
- Spycraft setting: Shadowforce Archer world book (2002)
- Invulnerable Super Hero rpg: Vigilante ed. (2010) POD
- Base Raiders – FATE system (2013) POD
- Daytrippers rpg core rules (2015) POD
- Baptism of Fire World War Two Rpg (2010)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Nocturnals (2006)
- Corporation: Eastern Bank (2008)
- Apocalypse Prevention Inc. 1st ed. bundle API core rule book and Worldwide Europe (2010)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Devils Charge (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed NUTS! Siege of Bastogne (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Normandy Battles: Wargaming D-day and Beyond (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Blood, Guts & Glory (2012)
- Legends & Lairs Giant Lore d20 (2003)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Paragons (2007)
- SLEEPER Orphans of the Cold War (2015)
- RuneQuest Empires Mongoose 1st ed (2009)
- Don’t look back rpg 3rd ed (2019) POD
- 1001 Science Fiction weapons revised ed. d20 System (2007) POD
- Nightlife rpg 2nd ed. America After Dark
- Kagegami high (2017) POD
- Corporation: Machines of War (2009)
- FUDGE Gamemastering Secrets 2nd ed d20 (2002)
- Tortured Earth rpg 2nd ed. crb (2021)
- Rune Stryders Noble Knight Games ed. (2008)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Bedlam City (2008) POD
- Dark Refuge: the Adventure game bundle (2005-2008) PODs
- Covert Ops rpg (2013) POD
- ICONS: Great Power (2016) POD
- Arsenal of heaven (2008) POD
- Chill rpg 1e Creature Feature (1996)
- Company rpg: field operations manual (2011) POD
- Deepfall rpg crb (2017) POD
- Sword & Sorcery: Scarred Lands – Creature collection II Dark Menagerie (2001)
- Blackest Space rpg (2019) POD
- In Harm’s Way: Starcluster rpg (2010)
- State Secrets rpg expanded edition (post-2005)
- DC Heroes 2nd ed World at War (1991)
- Don’t look back rpg 1st ed. (1994)
- Dragonstar rpg Starfarer’s handbook d20 (2001)
- Faeries Wear Boots (FWB) setting – through the looking glass (2020)
- Star Trek the Next Generation rpg – the First Line handbook (1998)
- Project: Paradigm rpg (2013) POD
- Rocket Age corebook (Classic) (2013) POD
- Foreign Element rpg (2016) POD
- WEBS sourcebook Web of Horrors (1996)
- Nemesis: A Perfect World (2001)
- Rolemaster 2nd ed Spell Law (1984)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Merchants of the Jump web FS231 (1997)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Byzantium Secundus FS275 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Imperial Survey 2 Al Malik Fiefs FS238 (1999)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Forbidden Lore: Technology FS225 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Legions of the Empire FS237 (1999)
- Flying Buffalo – Runedice – book only (1993)
- Mekton II Mekton Empire sourcebook MK1301 (1990)
- Tactica Medieval Rulebook (1992)
- Heaven and Earth 2nd ed. Player’s Guide (2001)
- Mutazoids 2nd edition rulebook (1991)
Dungeons & Dragons
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. B1 In Search of the Unknown (1981) 4th printing
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (1980-81) brown cover 4th printing
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn s/c (2001)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition PHBR5 Psionics handbook (1993)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Player’s Handbook core rulebook I no cd h/c (2000)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons h/c (2003)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (circa). Official D&D cookbook: Heroes’ Feast (2020)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Monster Manual (2014)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (2020)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Fitzban’s Treasury of Dragons (Greyhawk)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (2020)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeon Masters Guide (2014)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Players handbook (2014)
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. B3 Palace of the Silver Princess – green cover (1981) 3rd or 4th printing
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. U3 the Final Enemy (1983)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition CGR2 Complete Gladiator’s Handbook. As is (1993)
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. X1 Isle of Dread (1981) Copy2
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. X1 Isle of Dread (1981) Copy3
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. B2 Keep on the Borderlands (1981) 4th printing approx.
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N2 the Forest Oracle (1984) copy2
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N3 Destiny of Kings (1986)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N2 the Forest Oracle (1984)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God (1982) As is – cover in two pieces. Light shade ed.
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Pyramid of Shadows (2008)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms (2010)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Heroes of the Fallen Lands (2010)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 (2009)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed and OSE compatible campaign setting: Madinat Al’Asrar – City of Portals (2024)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed. OGL Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn (2021)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed core rulebook III: Monster Manual (2000)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook (2002)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed GSL Wraith Recon h/c (2008)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Forgotten Realms booklet: Encounters in Faerûn (2002)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed Map folio 3-D (2004)
Dungeons & Dragons D20 System (OGL)
- d20 Modern – d20 Future tech (2006)
- d20 Modern – d20 Future (2004)
- d20 Modern – core rulebook (2002)
- d20 Modern – d20 Cyberscape (2005)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Secrets of the Lion (2003)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Secrets of the Scorpion (2003)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Rokugan Campaign setting (2004) As is.
- Spycraft setting: Shadowforce Archer world book (2002)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Nocturnals (2006)
- Legends & Lairs Giant Lore d20 (2003)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Paragons (2007)
- 1001 Science Fiction weapons revised ed. d20 System (2007) POD
- FUDGE Gamemastering Secrets 2nd ed d20 (2002)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Bedlam City (2008) POD
- Sword & Sorcery: Scarred Lands – Creature collection II Dark Menagerie (2001)
- Dragonstar rpg Starfarer’s handbook d20 (2001)
Fading Suns
- Fading Suns 1st ed Merchants of the Jump web FS231 (1997)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Byzantium Secundus FS275 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Imperial Survey 2 Al Malik Fiefs FS238 (1999)
- Fading Suns 1st ed core rulebook FS200 (1996)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Forbidden Lore: Technology FS225 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Legions of the Empire FS237 (1999)
Flames of War books by Battlefront Miniatures N.Z.
- Flames of War 3rd ed core rule book etc in slip case (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Devils Charge (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed NUTS! Siege of Bastogne (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Normandy Battles: Wargaming D-day and Beyond (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Blood, Guts & Glory (2012)
- Flames of War 2nd ed Das Book (2010)
Generic rpg systems
- FATE 4th ed. Core System (2017)
- Deryni Adventure Game – boxed – Map of the Eleven Kingdoms: a poster map of the Deryni World (2000) approx.
- Call of Cthulhu 5th / 5.5 ed Keeper’s Companion 1 (2000)
- Suzerain: Millennium Knights for Savage Worlds (2014) POD
- Osprey: Vampires: A Hunter’s Guide (2014)
- Osprey: Werewolves: A Hunter’s Guide (2015)
- GURPS 3rd ed Alternate Earths 2 (1999)
- GURPS 3rd ed Alternate Earths (1996)
- Base Raiders – FATE system (2013) POD
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Nocturnals (2006)
- Call of Cthulhu 5th / 5.5 ed Keeper Companion 2 (2002)
- Call of Cthulhu 5.6.1 ed core rule book (2000)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Paragons (2007)
- RuneQuest II Empires Mongoose 2nd ed (2010)
- RuneQuest Empires Mongoose 1st ed (2009)
- Weird Wars – Savage Worlds – Necropolis 2350 aka Weird War III (2010)
- FUDGE Gamemastering Secrets 2nd ed d20 (2002)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Bedlam City (2008) POD
- ICONS: Great Power (2016) POD
- Mekton Zeta Mekton Wars 1: Invasion Terra – Tactical Scenario MK1101 (1995) SW
- Mekton II Mekton Empire sourcebook MK1301 (1990)
- Heaven and Earth 2nd ed. Player’s Guide (2001)
Leagues of Adventure / Gothic Horror
- Leagues of Adventure: core rulebook – hardcover (2012)
- Leagues of Adventure: Globetrotters’ Guide to London – limited edition – signed (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Black Magic (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mordavia – Land of Horror 1st edition (2018)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Vampires (2018)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to the Ministry of Unusual Affairs (2018)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Shapeshifters (2017)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mummies (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Apparitions (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Rulebook – hardcover – As is (2016)
Legend of the Five Rings (L5R)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Secrets of the Lion (2003)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Secrets of the Scorpion (2003)
- Legend of the Five Rings 4th ed. core rule book – Limited edition – Dragon Clan (2010)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Rokugan Campaign setting (2004) As is.
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 1st ed. The Way of the Scorpion (1999)
Other [books, board games and card games]
- Retrorocket Gift Certificate
- Babylon 5 novel – Blood Oath – Book 3 (1995)
- Douglas Adams – So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish – Hitchhiker’s Guide book 4 (1985)
- Douglas Adams – Mostly Harmless – Hitchhiker’s Guide book 5 copy 2 (1993)
- Douglas Adams – Mostly Harmless – Hitchhiker’s Guide book 5 copy 1 (1993)
- Jack Kerouac – The Dharma Bums – Penguin Modern Classics (2000)
- Star Wars novels Junior editions Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and Star Wars as is (1978-83)
- Star Wars novel – X-Wing Book 8 Isard’s revenge by Michael A. Stackpole (1999)
- Star Wars novel – Truce at Bakura by Kathy Tyres (1994)
- Star Wars novel – The Crystal Star by Vonda N. McIntyre (1995)
- Lightning Strike 1st ed. and supplement 2: A Call to Arms (1999)
- Star Realms and Star Realms Crisis expansions x2 (2015)
- Star Wars Premiere CCG (1995)
- Codenames card game (2015)
- Machi Koro (2014)
- Buffy Top Trumps complete set Hasbro (2003)
- Drinking Quest Trilogy edition (2014)
- Niven and Pournelle the Burning City (2000)
- Angel trading cards Season 2 complete set Inkworks (2001)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 20: Canada (1999)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 06: South America (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 05: Triax & the NGR (1994)
- Beyond the Supernatural RPG 1st edition (1988)
- Nightspawn RPG aka Nightbane 1st edition (1995)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition sourcebook Black Market (2012)
Pathfinder and related
- Pathfinder rpg 1st ed core rulebook h/c (2013)
- Pathfinder rpg 1st ed Ultimate Equipment – hardcover (2012)
- Pathfinder 2nd ed GM screen (2019)
- Pathfinder 2nd ed Bestiary pocket ed. (2019)
- Pathfinder 2nd ed Gamemastery guide pocket ed. (2020)
- Pathfinder rpg 1st ed Adventure Path – Carrion Crown No.6: Shadows of Gallowspire (2011)
PODs and Reprints
- Belly of the Beast (2016) POD
- Cosmic Cutthroats RPG (2020) POD
- Lowlife 2090 cyberpunk + sorcery (2021) POD
- Destined – Superhero Roleplaying – Mythras rules (2022) POD
- Conspiracy X 1st ed Aegis handbook (1997) POD
- Chronofields (2019) POD
- Gary Vs the monsters (2016) POD
- Sentinels of Echo City deluxe ed (2020) POD
- World of Darkness Mage: the Ascension [M20] Technocracy Reloaded (2021) POD
- Powers Beyond (2016) POD
- Super power system 1.2 bundle: Expanded Powers and Adventure guide (2021) PODs
- Invulnerable Super Hero rpg: Vigilante ed. (2010) POD
- FSpace rpg Concise rulebook version 4.1 (2008) POD
- Base Raiders – FATE system (2013) POD
- Daytrippers rpg core rules (2015) POD
- Apocalypse Prevention Inc. 1st ed. bundle API core rule book and Worldwide Europe (2010)
- Don’t look back rpg 3rd ed (2019) POD
- 1001 Science Fiction weapons revised ed. d20 System (2007) POD
- Kagegami high (2017) POD
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Bedlam City (2008) POD
- Dark Refuge: the Adventure game bundle (2005-2008) PODs
- Covert Ops rpg (2013) POD
- ICONS: Great Power (2016) POD
- Arsenal of heaven (2008) POD
- Company rpg: field operations manual (2011) POD
- Deepfall rpg crb (2017) POD
- Blackest Space rpg (2019) POD
- Rocket Age corebook (Classic) (2013) POD
- Project: Paradigm rpg (2013) POD
- Foreign Element rpg (2016) POD
R Talsorian Games
- Cyberpunk Red RPG dice set – Wetwork 7 dice set (2022)
- Cyberpunk Red jumpstart kit – no dice (2019)
- Cyberpunk 2020: Chromebook 2 Cyberpunk Style Guide Vol. 2 (1992)
- Cyberpunk 2020 2nd ed. core rulebook (1990)
- Mekton Zeta Mekton Wars 1: Invasion Terra – Tactical Scenario MK1101 (1995) SW
- Mekton II Mekton Empire sourcebook MK1301 (1990)
RPG and War gaming books
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. B1 In Search of the Unknown (1981) 4th printing
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (1980-81) brown cover 4th printing
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed. Armies book: High Elves (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th ed. Armies book: High Elves (1993)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 5th ed. Armies book: Lizardmen (1996)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th ed. Armies book: Dark Elves (1995)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed. Armies book: Orcs & Goblins (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed. Armies book: The Empire (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed: Enemy Within Campaign Parts 1 to 3 in two volumes – Hogshead pub (1995)
- Shadowrun 2nd ed Rigger 2: a Shadowrun sourcebook (FASA, 1997)
- Shadowrun 1st ed Shadowtech (FASA, 1991) As is
- Shadowrun 2nd ed Cybertechnology: a Shadowrun Sourcebook (FASA, 1995)
- Shadowrun 3rd ed Man & Machine: Cyberware a Shadowrun rules expansion (1999)
- Shadowrun 2nd ed Virtual Realities 2.0 a Shadowrun sourcebook (FASA, 1995)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Enemy Within Campaign Part 4: Power Behind the Throne h/c (1988)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Warhammer Adventure: Enemy Within Campaign Parts 1 to 3 (1989)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Castle Drachenfels (1992)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Apocrypha Now (1995)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed rulebook soft cover (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 5th ed. Siege rulebook (1998)
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised Storyteller’s Screen and Companion (1998) WW2301
- Cyberpunk Red RPG dice set – Wetwork 7 dice set (2022)
- Cyberpunk Red jumpstart kit – no dice (2019)
- Zweihänder: grim & perilous rpg revised core rulebook (2019)
- Gods of Metal: Ragnarock RPG [hard]core rulebook (2022)
- new World of Darkness Shadows of Mexico (2006) WW25201
- new World of Darkness Innocents (2008) WW55004
- new World of Darkness Chicago (2005) WW55200
- new World of Darkness Book of Spirits (2007) WW55202
- new World of Darkness Armory Reloaded (2009) WW55208
- Cyberpunk 2020: Chromebook 2 Cyberpunk Style Guide Vol. 2 (1992)
- Cyberpunk 2020 2nd ed. core rulebook (1990)
- FATE 4th ed. Core System (2017)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed. Chapter Approved (2019)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed. Chapter Approved (2018)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed. Chapter Approved (2017)
- Warhammer 40K 6th ed Tau Empire Codex supplement: Farsight Enclaves (2013)
- Warhammer 40K 6th ed Campaign: Crusade of Fire (2012)
- Warhammer 40K 5th ed codex: Space Marines (2008)
- Pathfinder rpg 1st ed core rulebook h/c (2013)
- d20 Modern – d20 Future tech (2006)
- d20 Modern – d20 Future (2004)
- d20 Modern – core rulebook (2002)
- d20 Modern – d20 Cyberscape (2005)
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised ed. Vampire Players Guide (2003) WW2305
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised core rulebook (1998) WW2300 As is.
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised Guide to the Anarchs (2002) WW2424
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn s/c (2001)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition PHBR5 Psionics handbook (1993)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Player’s Handbook core rulebook I no cd h/c (2000)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons h/c (2003)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (circa). Official D&D cookbook: Heroes’ Feast (2020)
- new World of Darkness Vampire: the Requiem 1st ed. Storyteller’s screen (2004) WW25700
- new World of Darkness Hunter: the Vigil 1st ed (2011) WW55550
- new World of Darkness story telling system [core] rulebook (2004) WW55002
- World of Darkness Wraith: the Oblivion 1st ed. core rule book (1994) WW6000
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Monster Manual (2014)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (2020)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Fitzban’s Treasury of Dragons (Greyhawk)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (2020)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeon Masters Guide (2014)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Players handbook (2014)
- Warhammer 40K 7th ed Campaign Supplement. Sanctus Reach: The Red WAAAGH! (2014)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed Codex: Tyranids (2005)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed Codex: Tau Empire (2006)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2nd ed Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz (2019)
- Warhammer 40K 9th ed mini rulebook and Command Manual – manual and rules only (2020)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed. Codex: Chaos Daemons (2008)
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. B3 Palace of the Silver Princess – green cover (1981) 3rd or 4th printing
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. U3 the Final Enemy (1983)
- Deryni Adventure Game – boxed – Map of the Eleven Kingdoms: a poster map of the Deryni World (2000) approx.
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Warhammer City of Chaos: Enemy Within Campaign Part 4 Power Behind the Throne and Companion Warhammer City (1991)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Blacksand (2013)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Titan: the Advanced Fighting Fantasy World (2011)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Warlock of Firetop Mountain (2014)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – core rulebook (2011)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Out of the Pit (2011)
- Advanced Fighting Fantasy RPG 2nd ed. – Beyond the Pit (2015)
- Retrorocket Gift Certificate
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition CGR2 Complete Gladiator’s Handbook. As is (1993)
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. X1 Isle of Dread (1981) Copy2
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. X1 Isle of Dread (1981) Copy3
- Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. B2 Keep on the Borderlands (1981) 4th printing approx.
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N2 the Forest Oracle (1984) copy2
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N3 Destiny of Kings (1986)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N2 the Forest Oracle (1984)
- Leagues of Adventure: core rulebook – hardcover (2012)
- Leagues of Adventure: Globetrotters’ Guide to London – limited edition – signed (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Black Magic (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mordavia – Land of Horror 1st edition (2018)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Vampires (2018)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to the Ministry of Unusual Affairs (2018)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Shapeshifters (2017)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Mummies (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Guide to Apparitions (2016)
- Leagues of Gothic Horror: Rulebook – hardcover – As is (2016)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed Codex: Adeptus Custodes (2018)
- Warhammer 40K Kill Team 2nd ed core manual (2018)
- Serenity RPG core rule book (2005)
- Torchbearer RPG 1st edition (2017) Kickstarter – Burning Wheel
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade 2nd ed. the Vampire Players Guide (1993) WW2206
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade 1st ed Hunters Hunted (1992) WW2205 copy2
- Belly of the Beast (2016) POD
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition mod. N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God (1982) As is – cover in two pieces. Light shade ed.
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised core rulebook (1998) WW2300
- new World of Darkness – Mind’s Eye Theatre – Live action storytelling system (2005) WW50000
- new World of Darkness – Mind’s Eye Theatre – the Requiem (2005) WW50001
- World of Darkness Mage: the Ascension 2nd ed core rulebook hardcover (1995) WW4300
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Secrets of the Lion (2003)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Secrets of the Scorpion (2003)
- Legend of the Five Rings 4th ed. core rule book – Limited edition – Dragon Clan (2010)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 20: Canada (1999)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 06: South America (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 05: Triax & the NGR (1994)
- Beyond the Supernatural RPG 1st edition (1988)
- Nightspawn RPG aka Nightbane 1st edition (1995)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Pyramid of Shadows (2008)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms (2010)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Heroes of the Fallen Lands (2010)
- Pathfinder rpg 1st ed Ultimate Equipment – hardcover (2012)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 (2009)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition sourcebook Black Market (2012)
- Cosmic Cutthroats RPG (2020) POD
- Dark Nova rpg bundle: core rule book and expansion – as is (2014)
- Patrol: a Vietnam War rpg (2015)
- Lowlife 2090 cyberpunk + sorcery (2021) POD
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed and OSE compatible campaign setting: Madinat Al’Asrar – City of Portals (2024)
- Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed. OGL Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn (2021)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed core rulebook III: Monster Manual (2000)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed Codex: Space Marines (2005)
- Destined – Superhero Roleplaying – Mythras rules (2022) POD
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 2nd ed. Rokugan Campaign setting (2004) As is.
- World of Darkness Hunter: the Reckoning rpg 1st ed Storyteller’s handbook (2001) WW8121
- World of Darkness Hunter: the Reckoning rpg 1st ed Survival Guide (1999) WW8102
- World of Darkness Hunter: the Reckoning rpg 1st ed Player’s Guide (2001) WW8120
- Conspiracy X 1st ed Aegis handbook (1997) POD
- Awaken rpg core rulebook h/c and screen (2018)
- Call of Cthulhu 5th / 5.5 ed Keeper’s Companion 1 (2000)
- Chronofields (2019) POD
- JagdPanther magazine aka Battlefield No.15 1976
- Gary Vs the monsters (2016) POD
- Sentinels of Echo City deluxe ed (2020) POD
- Black Void core rulebook (2019)
- Legend of the Five Rings RPG 1st ed. The Way of the Scorpion (1999)
- Champions 4th ed rulebook (1989) as is
- Lightning Strike 1st ed. and supplement 2: A Call to Arms (1999)
- Star Fleet Battles Captain’s Log #12 the Early Years (1993)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook (2002)
- World of Darkness Mage: the Ascension [M20] Technocracy Reloaded (2021) POD
- Powers Beyond (2016) POD
- Suzerain: Millennium Knights for Savage Worlds (2014) POD
- Troika! setting: Very Pretty Paleozoic Pals – Permian Nations (2020)
- Osprey: Vampires: A Hunter’s Guide (2014)
- Osprey: Werewolves: A Hunter’s Guide (2015)
- GURPS 3rd ed Alternate Earths 2 (1999)
- GURPS 3rd ed Alternate Earths (1996)
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th ed GSL Wraith Recon h/c (2008)
- Pathfinder 2nd ed GM screen (2019)
- Pathfinder 2nd ed Bestiary pocket ed. (2019)
- Pathfinder 2nd ed Gamemastery guide pocket ed. (2020)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3rd ed Forgotten Realms booklet: Encounters in Faerûn (2002)
- Mecha! Spirit Warrior Empire (1991)
- Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed Map folio 3-D (2004)
- Super power system 1.2 bundle: Expanded Powers and Adventure guide (2021) PODs
- Spycraft setting: Shadowforce Archer world book (2002)
- DUST Adventures rpg core rulebook (2015)
- Invulnerable Super Hero rpg: Vigilante ed. (2010) POD
- FSpace rpg Concise rulebook version 4.1 (2008) POD
- Base Raiders – FATE system (2013) POD
- Daytrippers rpg core rules (2015) POD
- Baptism of Fire World War Two Rpg (2010)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Nocturnals (2006)
- Flames of War 3rd ed core rule book etc in slip case (2012)
- Corporation: Eastern Bank (2008)
- Chill rpg 2e bundle scenarios and supplement (1990-92)
- Apocalypse Prevention Inc. 1st ed. bundle API core rule book and Worldwide Europe (2010)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Devils Charge (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed NUTS! Siege of Bastogne (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Normandy Battles: Wargaming D-day and Beyond (2012)
- Flames of War 3rd ed Blood, Guts & Glory (2012)
- Flames of War 2nd ed Das Book (2010)
- Legends & Lairs Giant Lore d20 (2003)
- Call of Cthulhu 5th / 5.5 ed Keeper Companion 2 (2002)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar 3rd ed Battletome: Orruk Warclans (2021)
- Call of Cthulhu 5.6.1 ed core rule book (2000)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Paragons (2007)
- SLEEPER Orphans of the Cold War (2015)
- RuneQuest II Empires Mongoose 2nd ed (2010)
- RuneQuest Empires Mongoose 1st ed (2009)
- Modern AGE rpg Threefold campaign setting (2019)
- Don’t look back rpg 3rd ed (2019) POD
- 1001 Science Fiction weapons revised ed. d20 System (2007) POD
- Nightlife rpg 2nd ed. America After Dark
- Kagegami high (2017) POD
- Shatterzone 1st ed bundle (1994-95)
- Weird Wars – Savage Worlds – Necropolis 2350 aka Weird War III (2010)
- Corporation: Machines of War (2009)
- FUDGE Gamemastering Secrets 2nd ed d20 (2002)
- Tortured Earth rpg 2nd ed. crb (2021)
- Rune Stryders Noble Knight Games ed. (2008)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Bedlam City (2008) POD
- Dark Refuge: the Adventure game bundle (2005-2008) PODs
- Covert Ops rpg (2013) POD
- ICONS: Great Power (2016) POD
- Arsenal of heaven (2008) POD
- World of Darkness Werewolf: the Apocalypse 2nd ed Umbra (2001) WW3111
- Chill rpg 1e Creature Feature (1996)
- Company rpg: field operations manual (2011) POD
- Deepfall rpg crb (2017) POD
- Stargrunt II SF Combat Rules for 25mm miniatures (1996)
- Sword & Sorcery: Scarred Lands – Creature collection II Dark Menagerie (2001)
- Blackest Space rpg (2019) POD
- In Harm’s Way: Starcluster rpg (2010)
- State Secrets rpg expanded edition (post-2005)
- DC Heroes 2nd ed World at War (1991)
- Don’t look back rpg 1st ed. (1994)
- Dragonstar rpg Starfarer’s handbook d20 (2001)
- Faeries Wear Boots (FWB) setting – through the looking glass (2020)
- Star Trek the Next Generation rpg – the First Line handbook (1998)
- Battlelords of the 23rd Century rpg Battlelords guide to the Damned (1994)
- Battlelords of the 23rd Century rpg Battlelords guide to pain (1994)
- Rocket Age corebook (Classic) (2013) POD
- Project: Paradigm rpg (2013) POD
- Foreign Element rpg (2016) POD
- WEBS sourcebook Web of Horrors (1996)
- Nemesis: A Perfect World (2001)
- Rolemaster 2nd ed Spell Law (1984)
- Rolemaster 3rd ed Arms Law (1994)
- Pathfinder rpg 1st ed Adventure Path – Carrion Crown No.6: Shadows of Gallowspire (2011)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Merchants of the Jump web FS231 (1997)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Byzantium Secundus FS275 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Imperial Survey 2 Al Malik Fiefs FS238 (1999)
- Fading Suns 1st ed core rulebook FS200 (1996)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Forbidden Lore: Technology FS225 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Legions of the Empire FS237 (1999)
- Flying Buffalo – Runedice – book only (1993)
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade 1st ed Hunters Hunted (1992) WW2205
- Mekton Zeta Mekton Wars 1: Invasion Terra – Tactical Scenario MK1101 (1995) SW
- Mekton II Mekton Empire sourcebook MK1301 (1990)
- Tactica Medieval Rulebook (1992)
- Heaven and Earth 2nd ed. Player’s Guide (2001)
- Mutazoids 2nd edition rulebook (1991)
Science Fiction rpgs
- Cyberpunk Red RPG dice set – Wetwork 7 dice set (2022)
- Cyberpunk Red jumpstart kit – no dice (2019)
- Cyberpunk 2020: Chromebook 2 Cyberpunk Style Guide Vol. 2 (1992)
- Cyberpunk 2020 2nd ed. core rulebook (1990)
- Savage Worlds Explorer’s Edition (2008)
- FATE 4th ed. Core System (2017)
- Serenity RPG core rule book (2005)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 20: Canada (1999)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 06: South America (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition World Book 05: Triax & the NGR (1994)
- Rifts RPG 1st edition sourcebook Black Market (2012)
- Cosmic Cutthroats RPG (2020) POD
- Dark Nova rpg bundle: core rule book and expansion – as is (2014)
- Lowlife 2090 cyberpunk + sorcery (2021) POD
- Black Void core rulebook (2019)
- Lightning Strike 1st ed. and supplement 2: A Call to Arms (1999)
- Star Fleet Battles Captain’s Log #12 the Early Years (1993)
- Troika! setting: Very Pretty Paleozoic Pals – Permian Nations (2020)
- GURPS 3rd ed Alternate Earths 2 (1999)
- GURPS 3rd ed Alternate Earths (1996)
- Mecha! Spirit Warrior Empire (1991)
- DUST Adventures rpg core rulebook (2015)
- FSpace rpg Concise rulebook version 4.1 (2008) POD
- Daytrippers rpg core rules (2015) POD
- Corporation: Eastern Bank (2008)
- 1001 Science Fiction weapons revised ed. d20 System (2007) POD
- Shatterzone 1st ed bundle (1994-95)
- Corporation: Machines of War (2009)
- Tortured Earth rpg 2nd ed. crb (2021)
- Deepfall rpg crb (2017) POD
- Blackest Space rpg (2019) POD
- In Harm’s Way: Starcluster rpg (2010)
- State Secrets rpg expanded edition (post-2005)
- Dragonstar rpg Starfarer’s handbook d20 (2001)
- Star Trek the Next Generation rpg – the First Line handbook (1998)
- Battlelords of the 23rd Century rpg Battlelords guide to the Damned (1994)
- Battlelords of the 23rd Century rpg Battlelords guide to pain (1994)
- Project: Paradigm rpg (2013) POD
- Rocket Age corebook (Classic) (2013) POD
- Foreign Element rpg (2016) POD
- Fading Suns 1st ed Merchants of the Jump web FS231 (1997)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Byzantium Secundus FS275 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Imperial Survey 2 Al Malik Fiefs FS238 (1999)
- Fading Suns 1st ed core rulebook FS200 (1996)
- Fading Suns 1st ed Forbidden Lore: Technology FS225 (1996)
- Fading Suns 2nd ed Legions of the Empire FS237 (1999)
- Mekton Zeta Mekton Wars 1: Invasion Terra – Tactical Scenario MK1101 (1995) SW
- Mekton II Mekton Empire sourcebook MK1301 (1990)
Super Hero rpgs etc
- Destined – Superhero Roleplaying – Mythras rules (2022) POD
- Sentinels of Echo City deluxe ed (2020) POD
- Champions 4th ed rulebook (1989) as is
- Powers Beyond (2016) POD
- Super power system 1.2 bundle: Expanded Powers and Adventure guide (2021) PODs
- Invulnerable Super Hero rpg: Vigilante ed. (2010) POD
- Base Raiders – FATE system (2013) POD
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Nocturnals (2006)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Paragons (2007)
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd ed OGL Bedlam City (2008) POD
- ICONS: Great Power (2016) POD
- DC Heroes 2nd ed World at War (1991)
- Nemesis: A Perfect World (2001)
- Mutazoids 2nd edition rulebook (1991)
War gaming / RPG related mags novels and miscellany
- Warhammer Fantasy novels – Warhammer Heroes – Swords of the Emperor books 1 and 2: Sword of Justice and Sword of Vengeance (2010)
- Warhammer Fantasy novel – Warhammer Heroes book 6: Luthor Huss (2012)
- Warhammer Fantasy novel: Book 2 Matthius Thulmann trilogy – Witch Finder (2005)
- Warhammer 40K novel: Book 1 Legacy of Caliban – Ravenwing (2012)
- Warhammer Fantasy novel: Necromancer – stand alone (2005)
- Warhammer 40K novels: the Last Chancers books 1 and 2: 13th Legion and Kill team (2000)
- Warhammer 40K novel: the Last Chancers book 1 13th Legion (2001)
- Warhammer 40K novel: Farseer – stand alone (2002)
- Warhammer Fantasy novel: Knight of the Blazing Sun – stand alone (2012)
- Warhammer Fantasy novel: Broken Honour – stand alone (2011)
- Warhammer Monthly No.0 – Preview Issue – February 1998
- Dragon No.264 October 1999 As is – no back cover
- Warhammer Fantasy novels: The Empire Army – complete set of five – Reiksguard et al. (2009)
- Warhammer Fantasy Anthology: Knights of Bretonnia (2011)
- Warhammer 40K The Horus Heresy novels: books I-III Horus Rising, False Gods and Galaxy in Flames (2006)
- Retrorocket Gift Certificate
- Inferno! Presents: The Inquisition (2021)
- Warhammer Fantasy novel Inheritance – Von Carstein Trilogy book 1 (2006)
- Osprey: Vampires: A Hunter’s Guide (2014)
- Osprey: Werewolves: A Hunter’s Guide (2015)
- White Dwarf July 2019
- Forgotten Realms novel City of Splendors (2005)
- Warhammer Visions magazine No.3 April 2014 A5 size
- Forgotten Realms novel Hunter’s Blade trilogy book 2
- White Dwarf No.395 Nov 2012
- White Dwarf Vol.2 No.3 Feb 2014
- White Dwarf No.405 Sept 2013
- White Dwarf Vol.2 No.40 Nov 2014
- White Dwarf No.408 Dec 2013
- White Dwarf No.406 Oct 2013
- White Dwarf No.403 July 2013
- White Dwarf No.391 July 2012
- White Dwarf No.390 June 2012
- Forgotten Realms novel Hunter’s Blades trilogy book 1 (2002)
Warhammer (all)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed. Armies book: High Elves (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 5th ed. Armies book: Lizardmen (1996)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th ed. Armies book: High Elves (1993)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th ed. Armies book: Dark Elves (1995)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed. Armies book: Orcs & Goblins (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed. Armies book: The Empire (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed: Enemy Within Campaign Parts 1 to 3 in two volumes – Hogshead pub (1995)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Enemy Within Campaign Part 4: Power Behind the Throne h/c (1988)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Warhammer Adventure: Enemy Within Campaign Parts 1 to 3 (1989)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Castle Drachenfels (1992)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Apocrypha Now (1995)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 6th ed rulebook soft cover (2000)
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles 5th ed. Siege rulebook (1998)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed. Chapter Approved (2019)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed. Chapter Approved (2018)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed. Chapter Approved (2017)
- Warhammer 40K 6th ed Tau Empire Codex supplement: Farsight Enclaves (2013)
- Warhammer 40K 6th ed Campaign: Crusade of Fire (2012)
- Warhammer 40K 5th ed codex: Space Marines (2008)
- Warhammer 40K 7th ed Campaign Supplement. Sanctus Reach: The Red WAAAGH! (2014)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed Codex: Tyranids (2005)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed Codex: Tau Empire (2006)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2nd ed Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz (2019)
- Warhammer 40K 9th ed mini rulebook and Command Manual – manual and rules only (2020)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed. Codex: Chaos Daemons (2008)
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st ed Warhammer City of Chaos: Enemy Within Campaign Part 4 Power Behind the Throne and Companion Warhammer City (1991)
- Inferno! Presents: The Inquisition (2021)
- Warhammer 40K 8th ed Codex: Adeptus Custodes (2018)
- Warhammer 40K Kill Team 2nd ed core manual (2018)
- Warhammer 40K 4th ed Codex: Space Marines (2005)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar 3rd ed Battletome: Orruk Warclans (2021)
World of Darkness / New World of Darkness
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised Storyteller’s Screen and Companion (1998) WW2301
- new World of Darkness Shadows of Mexico (2006) WW25201
- new World of Darkness Innocents (2008) WW55004
- new World of Darkness Chicago (2005) WW55200
- new World of Darkness Book of Spirits (2007) WW55202
- new World of Darkness Armory Reloaded (2009) WW55208
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised ed. Vampire Players Guide (2003) WW2305
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised core rulebook (1998) WW2300 As is.
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised Guide to the Anarchs (2002) WW2424
- new World of Darkness Vampire: the Requiem 1st ed. Storyteller’s screen (2004) WW25700
- new World of Darkness Hunter: the Vigil 1st ed (2011) WW55550
- new World of Darkness story telling system [core] rulebook (2004) WW55002
- World of Darkness Wraith: the Oblivion 1st ed. core rule book (1994) WW6000
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade 2nd ed. the Vampire Players Guide (1993) WW2206
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade 1st ed Hunters Hunted (1992) WW2205 copy2
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade Revised core rulebook (1998) WW2300
- new World of Darkness – Mind’s Eye Theatre – Live action storytelling system (2005) WW50000
- new World of Darkness – Mind’s Eye Theatre – the Requiem (2005) WW50001
- World of Darkness Mage: the Ascension 2nd ed core rulebook hardcover (1995) WW4300
- World of Darkness Hunter: the Reckoning rpg 1st ed Storyteller’s handbook (2001) WW8121
- World of Darkness Hunter: the Reckoning rpg 1st ed Survival Guide (1999) WW8102
- World of Darkness Hunter: the Reckoning rpg 1st ed Player’s Guide (2001) WW8120
- World of Darkness Mage: the Ascension [M20] Technocracy Reloaded (2021) POD
- World of Darkness Werewolf: the Apocalypse 2nd ed Umbra (2001) WW3111
- World of Darkness Vampire: the Masquerade 1st ed Hunters Hunted (1992) WW2205